Monday, September 27, 2010

Gwyneth Paltrow: devil training weight loss diet seven days

The world there is always a woman, seemingly have it easy, people envy jealous already, such as Gwyneth Paltrow Gwyneth Paltrow: innate beauty, after Oscar crown, queen of the happy family and children ... ... but Gwyneth tells us that this is not so simple, the movie "Iron Man 2" premiere in silver hot pants under a white Armani Armani suit showed off the slender legs are not "something for nothing."

"Postpartum recovery body back so far I have done the most difficult thing," an interview recently, Gwyneth admits to star in the film "Iron Man 2" and arduous efforts to lose weight, but also with the public to share her body sculpting tips.

Open to the public body sculpting Cheats

37, Gwyneth Paltrow, is the fashion and film circles amphibious people, both starred in a play or a home street shooting, has a very calm and noble and elegant look. As the world's best dressed one of fashion icon, she even married and had one period does not fade out of sight.

Days with the British rock group Coldplay Coldplay frontman Chris Martin married Chris Martin, Gwyneth Paltrow lived a simple low-key home life. In 2006 their second child was born, she found a good shape to maintain the original is not so easy. "After the first pregnancy, weight-loss is still relatively easy. But the second child was born, I suddenly found to be really hard to restore the original size."

A few years ago, Gwyneth Paltrow 6 months postpartum recovery devil figure appeared in the movie "Iron Man", has been regarded as a heaven. And this time, especially for the movie "Iron Man 2" filming, Gwen Ni Site to go to a personal trainer Tracy Anderson Tracy Anderson, began a series of rigorous and brutal training.

Tracy is a Hollywood super-multi-line star of "fitness physician", its clients include Madonna, fashion designer Stella McCartney and Jennifer Aniston and other stars. In addition to the dancing Tracy developed as a basis for the special sports program, the Gwyneth two hours a day, every day she was a private secret fitness method.

Gwyneth's "secret" recipes summed up is very simple: vegetables, Eat small meals, drink lots of water, choose the most nutritious vegetables and fruits, staple food use only a little bit of chicken or steamed fish, should be the most valuable is accompanied by sustained exercise:

7:00: lemonade at room temperature
8:00: Breakfast Herbal herbal tea
10 am (breakfast): blueberry and almond smoothie or fruit juice
11:30 am: unsweetened coconut water
1:30 pm (lunch): with ginger carrot, cucumber salad; or add miso soup watercress; or steamed fish
4 pm (snack): a small, or the pumpkin and blueberry Kuizai; green vegetable juice
6 pm (dinner): broccoli and sesame soup; staple seasoning is added stewed chicken or steamed detoxification salmon, brown rice or steamed pumpkin

This training continued for about six weeks, the devil, "Tracy forced me to do a lot of crazy things," Gwyneth said, "but my body really changed for the movie." For this reason, the film "Iron Man 2", Gwyneth and their 14-year-old small sexy porn stars Scarlett Johansson fight with the film brilliant, and does not lose.

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