Monday, June 27, 2011

Ferrari's first four-wheel drive sports car

In January this year, the official website of the new Ferrari Ferrari FF the first photo, the Ferrari is the strongest performance so far, the most versatile of the four sports car is a Ferrari four-wheel drive sports car history . Ferrari FF by the Pininfarina (Pininfarina) design, in the March 1, 2011 at the Geneva Motor Show officially starting debut. FF is the English Ferrari Four (four and four-wheel drive) the acronym, this car brings a new GT sports car concepts, marking the original concept of disruptive breakthrough, it is not an upgrade, but a real innovation.

     FF with a new Ferrari Ferrari's first four-wheel drive system. Ferrari patented unique 4RM (4WD) system weight lighter than the traditional four-wheel drive system, 50%, maintaining a perfect weight ratio (53% of the weight distribution on the rear axle). The four-wheel drive sports car's dynamic technology and fully integrated electronic control system can be implemented on all four wheels continuously, intelligent, predictable torque distribution, which in any terrain and weather conditions can bring unprecedented excellence performance. The new Ferrari FF comes with the latest magneto-rheological damping system (SCM3) and the newly developed carbon-ceramic Brembo brake system.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Meisuo Si 130-year-old time romantic old house

No explanation, no interviews, brothers Albert and David Meisuo Si sos thmei filming a documentary style of contemplation Mocha style, 1970s to create a precedent for direct films. Lens, the annual session of the 90 years old legend, more like a friendly easy-going old man, is pleased to lead us into his home in area.

Albert thmei sos home in Harlem in New York a good exposure and intimate community. Standing on its own front door, there will be kind enough to remind passers-Albert Beware fall, only to see his shoelaces because no system is good. Six years ago, because the four children married and have children one after another, in order to settle down in the holidays this increasingly busy family, Albert and his wife Gillian to give up living in the Dakota 40 years old home, come here .
This is a community of houses built in 1880, is at a nearby hospital doctors built home. To this building wooden houses with Victorian temperament matches, Albert and Gillian are chosen for each room in line with the spirit of that era's intense color. Josie McGee their artist friends to the floor of the main light purple to pink in color between the control, with a kitchen for the pink wall. The main theme is the golden hall, bedroom even warm, with Albert romantic expression to describe, is a "light pink."

eBay and the old Goods Store
The first impression the house is not only strong colors, a variety of interesting furniture and objects that filled every corner of the dizzying, but behind each of them a long story, but did not make people feel messy and tired. This is a pair of interesting old couple, they are very old love of shopping stores and products on eBay. To nine-year-old age, this avant-garde keen online shopping really amazing consumption patterns. Albert this quite objectionable, in his view, we should marvel is that he carefully collection of "Chinese furniture."
Apple green and white color in the living room, their friend Rachel Jacoff sent a pass from her father, a beautiful white clouds and blue Chinese carpet of forest pattern; several beautiful old Tibetan jewelry box from New York goods stores; the most prominent or buy them on eBay, painted Tibetan legends of painted furniture from Uzbekistan, although the myths and legends have been described above, no one can identify.
A variety of cultural backgrounds from different places of furniture and furnishings in this building after 130 years of Victorian old house was adaptable, just as their masters, with the nature, sunshine, natural and enjoyable.

Kitchen, home of the most important place
Leisure time, the kitchen is the most valued parts of Alberta. He and Gillian selected specifically for the kitchen pink, with rough cement wall texture effect, every day the sun will leave an interesting light on the wall. Wall hanging Gillian father left a cornet, from the hand of his daughter Rebecca plus huge lily paintings, donated by the visiting professor of Tibetan Thangka, a Peter Schumann's Bread posters and cards India is an interesting bad fish ... ... family, friendship, all the warm years in a soft pink this side of the wall playback.
Albert loves food, kitchen tall bookcase stood all of his favorite recipes, and long grain with a beautiful old wooden rectangular table, it is noisy to allow a person everyone around the dinner in the kitchen a good place. Daughter, Rebekah got one for the kitchen, only two professional restaurant oven stove, but retained the original house, the old Art Nouveau period of floral tiles are perfect to be a pink stove around the chic decorative finishes .
When the afternoon sun in the collection of specially colored Gillian cruet and Albert's mother planted bloom cheerfully lifetime blue Cyrtandroideae on the Cape of Good Hope, when listening to radio programs or ramble up a melodious classical music, recalled all the living and the dead to bring the good moments, delicious cuisine in a charming kitchen is cooking up.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Three well-known world-renowned diamond

According to the statistics, each producing 100,000 gem diamonds, which it may be a colored diamond, the probability of only one hundred thousandth. The pink, green, gold and other unusual diamonds shining bright luster and become more rare, regardless of age, regardless of national borders to the dumping of all people.

Diamond expert Harvey Harris wrote in 1990: from human to understand the value of scarcity has been given, never seen so many people spend so high a price in such a small item. Great is Diana Adams words, this little item, the night sky without stars Johnson, a deep pursuit of the ultimate capture the beauty of thousands of people.

There is a metaphysical point of view, those precious jewels of diamonds, worth Allure their total in death and conspiracy, is an ominous thing bloody French Tavi Mill found in southern India into a blue Juzuan back to France, unknown things one after another, with per capita through its main have died mysteriously, and its strange twists and turns experienced enough to write a novel.

After the vicissitudes of the French Revolution, Blue Diamond in 1792 were stolen in the French treasury. After being re-cut a jewelry market in London in 1830 to reproduce, then drifted to the United States in 1911, was head of the Washington Post Mackland in the bag. Mackland told his wife, "hope"is a diamond will bring bad luck, Mackland wife disagree, often wearing the diamond to highlight the rich. Drilling in the blue one in Mackland the second year of their son killed in a car accident, Mr. and daughters have died Mackland, Mackland wife also in 1947 and died in solitude. In 1958, the United States bought Mackland Mrs. Winston jewelers all jewelry heritage, a Blue Diamond "hope" the new owner. A miracle happened, Winston is not only a safe thing, jewelry business has become exceptionally well, and later developed into the world's leading diamond brand "Harry Winston". Later, Mr. Winston "hope"diamond donated to the State, now in the possession of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington. Since then, the "Hope"diamond mischief stopped hundreds of years.

In 2009, the "king of diamonds, "said the billionaire diamond dealer Lauren Graf (Laurence Graff) to a record high price of $ 24,300,000 went for a European royal history of 300 years of valuable blue diamonds. While this rare blue diamond market is a prominent seventeenth-century "Wittelsbach" diamonds, weight 35.56 kt, both in color and clarity is comparable drill name "Hope. "

Name drilling has a law that changed hands several times. Few people could have been held. In 1664, Spain's King Philip VI and his daughter Margareta Teresa married Austrian Emperor Leopold I, when it gave the daughter of Fang 15. 1720, Diamond passed to marry Prince Charles Albert of Austria, Bavaria, Princess Maria Amalia. Wittelsbach Prince of Bavaria, Charles Albert is the family name. When the country became a republic in 1931 when the Bavarian Wittelsbach crown of diamonds and other jewels to be auctioned together.

Around 1743, Augusta spent sixty thousand dip (about 9000 pounds) weighed 41 karats buy a natural green pear-shaped diamond, diamond texture is pure and perfect, according to legend is produced in the famous diamond of origin - India's Golconda. 20 years came to the 18th century in Europe, Germany in the 18th century royal palace in the walk in between. Dresden, Germany, the Princess was on this emerald diamond pet to the extreme, just to show the diamond even in a palace decorated with a number of special green hall. Because of huge green diamonds hidden in the treasure house of Germany's Dresden hence the name "Dresden Green Diamond"in the name, after World War II, "Dresden"green diamond was shipped to Moscow, after a A vagrant life in 1958 after being returned. "Dresden"green diamond is the representative of the green diamond, generally considered to be "hope" diamond in the companion volume, its value is difficult to measure. 41 kt weight, though not the largest diamond, but because of their extremely rare green as no one can beat the world's largest green diamond.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Senior set of uniforms unique art Hidden

Madame Gres unauthorized use of bias cut method, the writing style comes from herlove of sculpture. She put all the fabrics are to be seen as carved stone, as the clothingto create unique works of art.

 Madame Gres's name has rarely been mentioned today, and only have the eternal loveof high fashion of the French people still remember her. Le Paris museum days prior to the Bull on behalf of an exhibition to pay tribute to her, and museum sculptures, andChen, is Madame Gres from the early 1980s, created during the retreat more than 80works created. Exhibits in a semi-coarse white cloth fixed on the still keep the beadswith a needle fold, only half of the dress draped loosely model the shelves, like a hiddenGod, senior fixed place uniform, low-key Zijin And never boast of the secret as thecapital of everywhere.
Madame Gres is a French pioneer of the senior set of uniforms, and she followedMadeleine Vionnet's bias cut approach for the senior set of uniforms classical world,one new breeze blowing. The name she was born Germaine Emilie Krebs in 1903, wasthe ideal is to be a sculptor or a ballerina. Writing style comes from her love of sculpture,she hated the rigid sewing with needle and thread, made ​​in her clothes, rarely seenindustrial production of efficient and signs of impatience. She will match the fabricdraped over the model the entire body, directly sewing a tight-knit fold all done by hand,like a sculptor skilled process control block of stone surface lines. Once said, "I want to be a sculptor, I have all the fabrics are seen as a rock, I'm going to carefully carved. "One of her early inspiration muse, is the first on stage dressed in Greek Ballet dancingbarefoot goddess dress Duncan. Which people can get a glimpse of her clothes for the pursuit of beauty, her oblique dress, chiffon skirts were folded with the Greek-styleaesthetic, dancing, dress thin as onion skin soft lighting coverage enables the body, stillHas a static like a statue when the same lines as philosophizing.

In 1932, she started from the millinery design. She opened the first independent studioin 1934, named Alix. Former location is now a fashion house Dolce & Gabanna suchbig names gathered in the lot. Alix first emerge, is the modern French playwright and novelist Jean Giraudoux's dramatic design of clothing. She will be as unique works of artto clothing production, this attitude has been upheld by her, which led to future generations of people know very little about her. Today, still a reputation in the fashion house by almost all industrial garment production to keep up with the beat of the times, and she ready to accept its Daoxing, life is very resistant clothing, given that theproduction of uniform clothing is a senior designer of the "degenerate. "

Retired after Madeleine Vionnet, Madame Gres name will soon be draped on behalf ofthe law. To make beautiful silk chiffon evening dress, her creative and diverse, all withhigh blood given uniform identity. In 1935, she had "a thousand a day " in the "ChinesePrincess Turandot " evening dress designed for the inspiration. Before World War II, celebrity customers to pour in, including the Greek Princess Matilda, Duchess of Windsor, Parma Bourbon dynasty princesses. Peak period, she also twentieth century's greatest actress Marlene Dietrich did sexy clothes, Greta. Garbo, Vivien Leigh has a listof her customers. Her graceful handling of the fabric inclination to attract a large number of guests self-contained, one of the guests will even customize a design with a 7 times.

Aristocratic palace design clothes for the senior set uniform designers who are mostlydiscreet. Madame Gres very suitable for the character of her career, she Gres from1942 to do the design name, in fact, could have been her Gres Russian painter whoused her husband's signature on the painting. They married in 1937, her husband went to the French Polynesia, will not come back, this short marriage is no longer known toman. Her private life is very lonely, almost all the energy in the selection of those whowere betting caused her passion and creative imagination of the fabric. She made ​​beautiful clothes, himself a simple low-key portrait of her wearing a white shirt blackskirt, his hands folded, eyes downcast looking at somewhere, if she saw how the future generations of designers to Themselves as star general packaging show, I'm afraid will issue a sigh.
Madame Gres obsession with the senior set of uniforms never changed, the Germanoccupation of Paris in 1943, she briefly closed the fashion house. Even if that time islimited supply of fabric, customers have numerous escape difficult. But after six months,she re-opened, with red, white and blue French flag colors to complete their first seriesback. She even in his own fashion house on the first floor window hung a huge red, whiteand blue logo, and generous from the fabric to set out into the business where a large number of silk knitted fabrics and chiffon, as if to declare by this posture: senior fixedProud and uniforms and Paris, is not going to be.

Monday, May 30, 2011

BMW Brings Back the M1 Supercar

It looks like BMW is bringing back the M1, the legendary mid-engined two-seater that redefined the supercar and proved a BMW could run with the best from Porsche, Ferrari and Lamborghini.
The company once again has those marques — and Audi, which knocked one out of the park with the incredible R8 — in its sights and believes a car based on the M1 Hommage it unveiled last month is just the weapon to bring them down. "We have the know-how, we have the right engine, we even have the infrastructure to build such a car," company board member Herbert Diess says.
The M1 that Giorgetto Giugiaro designed for BMW was a seminal car. It was smooth, it was quick and it was easy to drive — impressive given that it was a race car homologated for street use. Top Gear called it "civilized" and "the world’s first truly user-friendly mid-engined supercar." The car gave rise to BMW’s M cars and its six-cylinder engine went on to appear in the M3 and M5. BMW hand-built just 456 M1s between 1978 and 1981, and they command top-dollar these days.
Adrian van Hooydonk floated the idea of developing a supercar concept five years ago to mark the M1’s 25th anniversary, but then-chairman Helmut Penke shot it down. Norbert Reithofer is in charge now, and he embraced the idea of marking the M1’s 30th anniversary with the Hommage. Although it’s only a styling exercise — there’s nothing under the hood or behind those black windows — it was designed with the idea it might be built. Britain’s CAR Magazine says it almost certainly will be, and Auto Express says the project’s been approved.
According to CAR, BMW’s engineers are looking at a three-part structure for the chassis consisting of a front subframe with suspension, passenger cell and rear subframe with suspension and drivetrain. They’ll most likely be fabricated from aluminum, although a carbon fiber passenger cell is possible. As for the engine, CAR says anything in the BMW lineup will fit but the most likely candidate is a 3.0-liter straight six with three turbos and about 450 horsepower. Auto Express will come with either the six or the 4.0-liter V8 from the M3. That would give it about 400 horsepower. Whatever it gets, look for a 0-to-60 time of around 4 seconds and a top speed just north of 200. A diesel and hydrogen version also are possible.

The production car will build on Benoit Jacob’s design for the Hommage, and BMW Group chief designer Chris Bangle tells CAR, "the car’s exterior will go through at least one more revision, for both aesthetic and engineering reasons."
So when would it be built? If BMW goes full bore, CAR says it could be ready by 2010 but 2013 is more likely. "Done right," Diess told the magazine, "I believe we can only benefit from such a car."

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Prince a wedding 5 cars

In addition to wear the dress of beauty, British royal wedding another window will not ignore -- that's wedding car. In these royal current car, we from the first five four-wheel star.

Royal wedding in the media, after open a wave on the best dressed comments from the storm. If you ask my wife words, she will tell you: the no.1 is Kate Middleton, second place is her sister pippa Middleton, the third is to JiYa Spanish princess, riley, behind last audi this one is Victoria Beckham. However, in addition to wear the dress of beauty, royal wedding another window will not ignore -- that's wedding car.

Although we are now in an era of environmental protection, wedding day but did not appear many hybrids and electric vehicles or energy saving vehicles, the brightest is a car "fuel-hungry investors" - carrying William young couple admittance aston · Martin antique cars. However, this originally belong to Charles convertible after modification, can use biological alcohol for fuel, theoretically be to environmental avenue near some. But actually, for the day in London area to the marching for vehicles, "environmental protection" almost all can with orchid karst bombers comparable.

In these royal house car, and our wedding car from the top five:

First name: 1969 aston · Martin DB6 Mk2 Volante
To: in Newport in buckinghamshire Pagnell made by hand
This car is the first eye-catching star, carrying William and Kate from Buckingham Palace to the attention of the quay, clarence by almost as great as the bride's gown.
The car was the queen in Charles 21 birthday when the gift to him, actually when the queen might as well send him a car than DB5 DB5, because the appearance of the DB6 stratosphere -- has and pippa Middleton as pretty hip - can become 42 years ago British engineering technology and design level best propaganda.
Second: 1950 Rolls-Royce phantom IV (two open-balcony)
To: in Mayfair district made by hand in London
Charles and camilla visit to the way the church is on the most old royal fleet of a car. No wonder this fall. The car look solemn and noble, is high-tech version of the royal chariot.
Tied for second: 1977 Rolls-Royce phantom VI
To: in London in Willesden made by hand
Kate and her father on the way to the church in Rolls-Royce phantom VI is 1977. Charles and camilla married also once sat in the car, was also suffered the smelly egg demonstrators attacked, fortunately, 5,000 police escorted, this car "calm" to Westminster Abbey by Goring hotel.
Third: 2002 State Limousine bentley
To: in Britain in Crewe wood county made by hand
William and harry, on the way to the church in State is 2002 edition Limousine, their bentley's grandmother, on another car, with car (this car there were only two cars around the world. Enough Windows satisfy the spectators see face desire. Prince To tell you the truth, this paragraph of it is very ugly, bentley is simply a maybach compared with ferrari's snowboarding progresses, so I really don't understand why the Buckingham Palace cannot out some money to acquire two open-balcony new phantom.
Fourth: 2011 jaguar XJ LWB
Bromwich in Birmingham in ground: castle make
New XJ appearance we never is very like two cars, but there are the grounds and how to see all weird Rolls-Royce prior, the bentley carrying Kate mother and brother went to church new jaguar XJ LWB is call a person does it one brace up - we finally smell the breath of the new era. The car, the 21st century that the British people besides wedding is good at something else.
Fifth: 2011 Volkswagen minibuses
To: in Hanover factory manufacture in Germany
When the passenger drove to Westminster Abbey, a lot of people said, "sit must be inside Middleton home", but you are wrong! Royalty and not all sit Rolls-Royce, others (lower levels of the royal personnel) sitting, zarate passenger: queen granddaughter philips (the duke and the duchess), etc. The car apparently became luxuriant receptions dissonant notes, and moreover, even if not, why not with passenger choice not made?