Thursday, June 16, 2011

Meisuo Si 130-year-old time romantic old house

No explanation, no interviews, brothers Albert and David Meisuo Si sos thmei filming a documentary style of contemplation Mocha style, 1970s to create a precedent for direct films. Lens, the annual session of the 90 years old legend, more like a friendly easy-going old man, is pleased to lead us into his home in area.

Albert thmei sos home in Harlem in New York a good exposure and intimate community. Standing on its own front door, there will be kind enough to remind passers-Albert Beware fall, only to see his shoelaces because no system is good. Six years ago, because the four children married and have children one after another, in order to settle down in the holidays this increasingly busy family, Albert and his wife Gillian to give up living in the Dakota 40 years old home, come here .
This is a community of houses built in 1880, is at a nearby hospital doctors built home. To this building wooden houses with Victorian temperament matches, Albert and Gillian are chosen for each room in line with the spirit of that era's intense color. Josie McGee their artist friends to the floor of the main light purple to pink in color between the control, with a kitchen for the pink wall. The main theme is the golden hall, bedroom even warm, with Albert romantic expression to describe, is a "light pink."

eBay and the old Goods Store
The first impression the house is not only strong colors, a variety of interesting furniture and objects that filled every corner of the dizzying, but behind each of them a long story, but did not make people feel messy and tired. This is a pair of interesting old couple, they are very old love of shopping stores and products on eBay. To nine-year-old age, this avant-garde keen online shopping really amazing consumption patterns. Albert this quite objectionable, in his view, we should marvel is that he carefully collection of "Chinese furniture."
Apple green and white color in the living room, their friend Rachel Jacoff sent a pass from her father, a beautiful white clouds and blue Chinese carpet of forest pattern; several beautiful old Tibetan jewelry box from New York goods stores; the most prominent or buy them on eBay, painted Tibetan legends of painted furniture from Uzbekistan, although the myths and legends have been described above, no one can identify.
A variety of cultural backgrounds from different places of furniture and furnishings in this building after 130 years of Victorian old house was adaptable, just as their masters, with the nature, sunshine, natural and enjoyable.

Kitchen, home of the most important place
Leisure time, the kitchen is the most valued parts of Alberta. He and Gillian selected specifically for the kitchen pink, with rough cement wall texture effect, every day the sun will leave an interesting light on the wall. Wall hanging Gillian father left a cornet, from the hand of his daughter Rebecca plus huge lily paintings, donated by the visiting professor of Tibetan Thangka, a Peter Schumann's Bread posters and cards India is an interesting bad fish ... ... family, friendship, all the warm years in a soft pink this side of the wall playback.
Albert loves food, kitchen tall bookcase stood all of his favorite recipes, and long grain with a beautiful old wooden rectangular table, it is noisy to allow a person everyone around the dinner in the kitchen a good place. Daughter, Rebekah got one for the kitchen, only two professional restaurant oven stove, but retained the original house, the old Art Nouveau period of floral tiles are perfect to be a pink stove around the chic decorative finishes .
When the afternoon sun in the collection of specially colored Gillian cruet and Albert's mother planted bloom cheerfully lifetime blue Cyrtandroideae on the Cape of Good Hope, when listening to radio programs or ramble up a melodious classical music, recalled all the living and the dead to bring the good moments, delicious cuisine in a charming kitchen is cooking up.

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