Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Senior set of uniforms unique art Hidden

Madame Gres unauthorized use of bias cut method, the writing style comes from herlove of sculpture. She put all the fabrics are to be seen as carved stone, as the clothingto create unique works of art.

 Madame Gres's name has rarely been mentioned today, and only have the eternal loveof high fashion of the French people still remember her. Le Paris museum days prior to the Bull on behalf of an exhibition to pay tribute to her, and museum sculptures, andChen, is Madame Gres from the early 1980s, created during the retreat more than 80works created. Exhibits in a semi-coarse white cloth fixed on the still keep the beadswith a needle fold, only half of the dress draped loosely model the shelves, like a hiddenGod, senior fixed place uniform, low-key Zijin And never boast of the secret as thecapital of everywhere.
Madame Gres is a French pioneer of the senior set of uniforms, and she followedMadeleine Vionnet's bias cut approach for the senior set of uniforms classical world,one new breeze blowing. The name she was born Germaine Emilie Krebs in 1903, wasthe ideal is to be a sculptor or a ballerina. Writing style comes from her love of sculpture,she hated the rigid sewing with needle and thread, made ​​in her clothes, rarely seenindustrial production of efficient and signs of impatience. She will match the fabricdraped over the model the entire body, directly sewing a tight-knit fold all done by hand,like a sculptor skilled process control block of stone surface lines. Once said, "I want to be a sculptor, I have all the fabrics are seen as a rock, I'm going to carefully carved. "One of her early inspiration muse, is the first on stage dressed in Greek Ballet dancingbarefoot goddess dress Duncan. Which people can get a glimpse of her clothes for the pursuit of beauty, her oblique dress, chiffon skirts were folded with the Greek-styleaesthetic, dancing, dress thin as onion skin soft lighting coverage enables the body, stillHas a static like a statue when the same lines as philosophizing.

In 1932, she started from the millinery design. She opened the first independent studioin 1934, named Alix. Former location is now a fashion house Dolce & Gabanna suchbig names gathered in the lot. Alix first emerge, is the modern French playwright and novelist Jean Giraudoux's dramatic design of clothing. She will be as unique works of artto clothing production, this attitude has been upheld by her, which led to future generations of people know very little about her. Today, still a reputation in the fashion house by almost all industrial garment production to keep up with the beat of the times, and she ready to accept its Daoxing, life is very resistant clothing, given that theproduction of uniform clothing is a senior designer of the "degenerate. "

Retired after Madeleine Vionnet, Madame Gres name will soon be draped on behalf ofthe law. To make beautiful silk chiffon evening dress, her creative and diverse, all withhigh blood given uniform identity. In 1935, she had "a thousand a day " in the "ChinesePrincess Turandot " evening dress designed for the inspiration. Before World War II, celebrity customers to pour in, including the Greek Princess Matilda, Duchess of Windsor, Parma Bourbon dynasty princesses. Peak period, she also twentieth century's greatest actress Marlene Dietrich did sexy clothes, Greta. Garbo, Vivien Leigh has a listof her customers. Her graceful handling of the fabric inclination to attract a large number of guests self-contained, one of the guests will even customize a design with a 7 times.

Aristocratic palace design clothes for the senior set uniform designers who are mostlydiscreet. Madame Gres very suitable for the character of her career, she Gres from1942 to do the design name, in fact, could have been her Gres Russian painter whoused her husband's signature on the painting. They married in 1937, her husband went to the French Polynesia, will not come back, this short marriage is no longer known toman. Her private life is very lonely, almost all the energy in the selection of those whowere betting caused her passion and creative imagination of the fabric. She made ​​beautiful clothes, himself a simple low-key portrait of her wearing a white shirt blackskirt, his hands folded, eyes downcast looking at somewhere, if she saw how the future generations of designers to Themselves as star general packaging show, I'm afraid will issue a sigh.
Madame Gres obsession with the senior set of uniforms never changed, the Germanoccupation of Paris in 1943, she briefly closed the fashion house. Even if that time islimited supply of fabric, customers have numerous escape difficult. But after six months,she re-opened, with red, white and blue French flag colors to complete their first seriesback. She even in his own fashion house on the first floor window hung a huge red, whiteand blue logo, and generous from the fabric to set out into the business where a large number of silk knitted fabrics and chiffon, as if to declare by this posture: senior fixedProud and uniforms and Paris, is not going to be.

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