Monday, June 13, 2011

Three well-known world-renowned diamond

According to the statistics, each producing 100,000 gem diamonds, which it may be a colored diamond, the probability of only one hundred thousandth. The pink, green, gold and other unusual diamonds shining bright luster and become more rare, regardless of age, regardless of national borders to the dumping of all people.

Diamond expert Harvey Harris wrote in 1990: from human to understand the value of scarcity has been given, never seen so many people spend so high a price in such a small item. Great is Diana Adams words, this little item, the night sky without stars Johnson, a deep pursuit of the ultimate capture the beauty of thousands of people.

There is a metaphysical point of view, those precious jewels of diamonds, worth Allure their total in death and conspiracy, is an ominous thing bloody French Tavi Mill found in southern India into a blue Juzuan back to France, unknown things one after another, with per capita through its main have died mysteriously, and its strange twists and turns experienced enough to write a novel.

After the vicissitudes of the French Revolution, Blue Diamond in 1792 were stolen in the French treasury. After being re-cut a jewelry market in London in 1830 to reproduce, then drifted to the United States in 1911, was head of the Washington Post Mackland in the bag. Mackland told his wife, "hope"is a diamond will bring bad luck, Mackland wife disagree, often wearing the diamond to highlight the rich. Drilling in the blue one in Mackland the second year of their son killed in a car accident, Mr. and daughters have died Mackland, Mackland wife also in 1947 and died in solitude. In 1958, the United States bought Mackland Mrs. Winston jewelers all jewelry heritage, a Blue Diamond "hope" the new owner. A miracle happened, Winston is not only a safe thing, jewelry business has become exceptionally well, and later developed into the world's leading diamond brand "Harry Winston". Later, Mr. Winston "hope"diamond donated to the State, now in the possession of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington. Since then, the "Hope"diamond mischief stopped hundreds of years.

In 2009, the "king of diamonds, "said the billionaire diamond dealer Lauren Graf (Laurence Graff) to a record high price of $ 24,300,000 went for a European royal history of 300 years of valuable blue diamonds. While this rare blue diamond market is a prominent seventeenth-century "Wittelsbach" diamonds, weight 35.56 kt, both in color and clarity is comparable drill name "Hope. "

Name drilling has a law that changed hands several times. Few people could have been held. In 1664, Spain's King Philip VI and his daughter Margareta Teresa married Austrian Emperor Leopold I, when it gave the daughter of Fang 15. 1720, Diamond passed to marry Prince Charles Albert of Austria, Bavaria, Princess Maria Amalia. Wittelsbach Prince of Bavaria, Charles Albert is the family name. When the country became a republic in 1931 when the Bavarian Wittelsbach crown of diamonds and other jewels to be auctioned together.

Around 1743, Augusta spent sixty thousand dip (about 9000 pounds) weighed 41 karats buy a natural green pear-shaped diamond, diamond texture is pure and perfect, according to legend is produced in the famous diamond of origin - India's Golconda. 20 years came to the 18th century in Europe, Germany in the 18th century royal palace in the walk in between. Dresden, Germany, the Princess was on this emerald diamond pet to the extreme, just to show the diamond even in a palace decorated with a number of special green hall. Because of huge green diamonds hidden in the treasure house of Germany's Dresden hence the name "Dresden Green Diamond"in the name, after World War II, "Dresden"green diamond was shipped to Moscow, after a A vagrant life in 1958 after being returned. "Dresden"green diamond is the representative of the green diamond, generally considered to be "hope" diamond in the companion volume, its value is difficult to measure. 41 kt weight, though not the largest diamond, but because of their extremely rare green as no one can beat the world's largest green diamond.

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